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Which House Electrical Wiring System Best Suits Your Household?

Electricians in Knoxville

The process of connecting different accessories to distribute electrical energy evenly from the supplier to several home appliances and equipment such as air conditioning, computers, televisions, water dispenser, is called house electrical wiring. This system powers the lights and electrical devices inside a house, making it easier for people to live comfortably. Without this system, people wouldn’t be able to turn on their TVs or charge their mobile devices. Therefore, it’s an important process that is constantly occurring inside the walls of our houses. 


Here are the types of house electrical wiring you’ll find in domestic households:


Cleat Wiring 

The first type of electrical wiring is called cleat wiring, something you usually wouldn’t find nowadays. Why? Because it’s considered a temporary wiring system containing ordinary VIR or PVC insulated wires that are either compounded or braided. Inside the house, they are secured on the walls using porcelain cleats made of plastic, groves, or wood. Since they’re temporary, they’re not the most suitable type of house electrical wiring for domestic premises. 


Casing and Capping Wiring

The second type of electrical wiring used for domestic households is the casing and capping wiring. This was often used in the past as they were the most popular options for households. However, with the emergence of conduit and sheathed wiring systems, they’re no longer being used in today’s household. This system contains VIR, PVC, and other approved insulated cables. To accommodate the wires, they’re encased in wooden casing enclosures. The casing is cut lengthwise to accommodate the length of the cables adequately.  


Batten Wiring

The third type of electrical wiring is Batten Wiring, which either comprises a single electrical wire or a group of wires laid over a wooden batten. They’re held together using a brass clip. For horizontal runs, the wires need to be spaced at 10 cm. On the other hand, they need to be spaced for the vertical runs at an interval of 15 cm. 


Lead Sheathed Wiring

The fourth electrical wiring in this list refers to Lead Sheathed Wiring. It makes use of conductors that are insulated with VIR. Moreover, they’re covered with an outer sheath of lead aluminum alloy made of 95% lead. Accordingly, with the metal sheath’s help, the cables are protected from any damage that includes atmospheric corrosion, moisture, and mechanical issues.


Knoxville Electrical


Conduit Wiring

According to the pipe installation, two types of conduit wiring exist: 


Surface Conduit Wiring 

Surface conduit wiring refers to when PVC or GI conduits are installed on walls or the roof, clearly visible on the surface. The conduits are then attached to the walls using a two-hole strap and a base clip set at regular distances. Lastly, you can find electrical wires laid inside the conduits. 


Concealed Conduit Wiring 

This is called concealed conduit wiring because the conduits are hidden inside chiseled brick walls or walls slots. Like the previous conduit wiring type, the electrical wires are laid inside the conduits. Because they’re not visible to the naked eye and people can decorate over them, this wiring type is the more popular option. 


What are the advantages and disadvantages of a concealed conduit wiring system? 

The advantages to a concealed conduit wiring system ensure safety for electrical wires as it’s been proven to stay protected from external factors such as humidity and chemical effects. People don’t have to worry about the risk of shock as the wires are hidden well. Additionally, there’s no risk of wear and tire or any fire-related damage to the cable insulation. 

However, there are some downsides to the concealed conduit wiring system. It’s more expensive, and it can be very difficult to change to locations of the switches. And because it’s concealed, you can’t find any defects until the damage has been done. 

At the end of the day, you need to make sure the wiring inside your house is done properly and then maintained well. When installing wires and cables, be mindful of the damage they may experience due to external factors.  

However, with the help of D&F Liquidators Inc., you can decide which house electrical wiring is best suited for your home! Just call us, and we’ll offer you a complete list of our wires and their prices. Our experienced Hero Services team will also be there with you every step of the way. 


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